Thursday 29 March 2012

Good or Evil?

There is no question I think people are evil. I remember in class the list of the bad things people do the world kept on getting bigger and bigger yet the list of the good stayed small. Isn't it true. Human's have caused practically all the damage thats gone on in the world. So many of us ignore what's happening to our environment even after seeing the outcome in so many places around the world. We cause innocent animals to suffer, not only because of global warming affecting their homes and habitat but in terms of animal testing, fighting (bulls, dogs etc.), building over their homes and making them roadkill. We also are very racist, we are constantly discriminating and judging the hell out of one another until it gets to the point where those being discriminated against cannot take it any longer. We refuse to spread the wealth, healthcare and luxury to the countries that don't have enough and we keep it all to ourselves, we are cruel and selfish and it needs to stop soon. Mainly we do all this because, if you think about it, isn't it much easier to be evil than to do good? It's easier to toss garbage on the ground instead of throwing it in a trash can that might be further away. It's easier and more convenient to drive places than to walk or bike, and it's far more easy to ignore the suffering people in foreign countries than to put a stop to the deaths and all of the starving children. Lastly we are so very hypocritical, even right now. I am writing down my hatred towards our actions as human beings, though I am doing half of the things myself!

Plato said that we are only good due to our fear of punishment... isn't it true?
So I guess this explains my opinion on things, humans are for more evil than we are good.

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