Thursday 29 March 2012


Why do people bully? Well, there are so many answers to that question. The first reason is to bring up our own self esteem, for some strange reason putting others down seems to make some people feel better about themselves. The second reason is because people get bullied in their homes or other places and they tend to take their frustration out on people they think won't fight back. And the last reason is simply because it makes them feel like they have more power, many people like to be in control and bullying is one of the best ways to feel that way, though it is also such a bad way to feel like you are in control. I've been bullied many times and I know how awful the feeling is but, speaking as a kid who's also bullied others at one point or another I also know that it feels just as bad hurting someone else's feelings. Bullying is overall an awful thing to do and there are so many other options to make you feel more confident, to let out your frustration and to feel in control. sometimes just talking to someone about the way you feel helps instead of just hurting those around you.

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