Wednesday 25 April 2012

I deVOTE myself to NDP!

I am more of a left wing type of person. I agree with all of the left wing thoughts and very few from the right wing. I'd say I'm all for green, to be honest I would have no problem voting green, yet considering the number of seats they had in the last election, their chances are limited. So, I am moving myself to a party with a better chance of winning the election; NDP. This party agrees with a lot of the ideas I agree with, such as increasing government control over businesses, decreasing strength of police, better welfare (though I do agree if people work for their money they should keep it instead of being forced to give it to those who have not worked), equality, no death penalty, lots of change in society, allowing immigration and abortion, government having less control over our actions therefore giving us privacy, increasing pensions for seniors, avoiding the rich/poor gap in society, decreasing military budget, increasing public healthcare, seperating religion from society and allowing same sex marriage. All these ideas truly make me lean towards NDP.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Snooping Law

I think that letting the government be allowed to snoop through our personal messages and searches on the internet is taking things a little too far, scratch that, way too far! Inboxes, e-mails, etcetera are privatized for a reason, those messages aren't meant for the world to see and to be honest, the government really doesn't need to, it's understandable if they are suspicious of a certain person for committing a crime and need to look through their files but if it's just an average citizen minding their own business, it's out of the question, we should be left alone! This is around the time where the government truly needs to back up and realize they are going way over the top.

My thoughts on FFP

To be quite honest the FFP coarse is not for me. I hate sitting in one spot for two hours and some days when english, civics or careers needs to follow through into the next period we end up working on a certain thing for the whole two periods, a lot of the time I really need an hourly change up! It's nice that we don't have an exam but is it worth it? I'm not so sure, it's difficult to keep on top of whats what in this course and I'd much rather stick to one period subjects. I'm not sure if this is part of the coarse but I've noticed a lot of the things we do is all technology, most assignments are given or marks are recieved on the computer and I find I like it much better having all of my rubrics, notes, worksheets and assignments filed away in a binder. The FFP course is definitely not for me!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

I commented on the following blog posts:

Most Painful Childhood Moment

As a self generated post we were asked to tell our saddest, funniest or most embarrassing childhood moment. Well, there are far too many to count so I decided to write about something a little bit different. My most painful childhood memory. Since I've never broken a bone or torn a ligament I figured it would be fairly simple to think back to my most painful injury as a child. I came up with one thing that hurt more than anything else.
Several summers back when I was about twelve years old my family and another family rented a cottage together up in grand bend. It was a very old cottage and it was massive. In the living room they had an old fashion stove that was perched on a ledge in the center of the room. One night we were all sitting around the stove for warmth, playing games and having fun. My sister and I got up and started dancing around, unfortunatey I got a bit wild and tripped over the ledge and onto the old stove. The pain was probably the worst pain in my life, I pushed myself away from the fire with my left arm burning the whole underside of it. I can't imagine the pain for people who are caught in fires because I was in pain all night, my whole arm was fried and a mixture of black and red. I had blistures all over my arm for quite a while. The good thing is my scar isn't too noticable. You can only really see it in bright lights, thank god! My whole family swore it was going to be an awful scar. That was probably my most painful childhood moment of all.

Friday 6 April 2012

Do MEN and WOMEN Love Differently?

This is a difficult question to answer. I feel since men and women have a lot of different traits this may seem so.  I guess it's different in all relationships. Sometimes the women are more attached and as some would say 'whipped', and in other cases the man is. You can't say that men are assholes because often times women are the ones who couldn't care less. I am in a relationship right now where I feel our love is completely equal. We treat each other with the same respect and it feels like everything is equal. I think everyone loves differently, not just men and women but every individual.

French in High Schools

I still think it's a very good idea to learn french in high school. We are a bilingual country which means we should take part in knowing at least a little bit of each language, correct? It also expands are knowledge for jobs, knowing more languages is a good trait when applying to businesses, they like to know you can offer help to all sorts of different people, especially if you are looking to be a flight attendant or another job where you travel to different places often. Even at restaurants they like it if you speak different languages in case they need some one who can help out costumers who do not speak english. My point is that taking french in high school is a good learning experience and in the long run, it'll help students out big time!

The Hunger Games

I've read the first book of the series twice but none of the sequels. I can't say I am as crazy about it as a lot of other people are but it was a good read. I found the whole idea of kids murdering each other kind of disturbing but aside from that I enjoyed it. 
Usually movies that are based on books can never compare to the book itself but I found with The Hunger Games, they did a really good job. I felt that the characters were reenacted very well and the setting was also well done, they left out a few things from the book but I think they still really nailed it. One thing I noticed was that different from the novel, during the movie you didn't get as attached to the characters. In the book when rue died, tears practically came to my eyes but in the movie we literally just met her and then she was dead in the blink of an eye. I felt this with a lot of the characters, there wasn't a lot of time to get attached to the characters. I feel like if they divided the movie into two parts it would have been more of a thrill, we would have had more time to get to know the characters therefore their deaths would be much more heart wrenching. 
In the end, I actually ended up liking the movie just as much as the book. They did a very good job with it!
I commented here!

Don't regret something that once made you smile

I've always thought it was the most stupid decision for someone to get the name of their partner tattood on their bodies. A friend of mine just recently got his girlfriends initial on his side and I was furious! But once he started telling me about it I got an idea of where he was coming from. He told me that she had gotten him through a really tough stage in his life and if they do break up the L on his side will represent the time that he was helped through something you thought he would never conquer. I still think it's not a good idea, who knows how things will turn out in the end, something awful could happen and their name, portrait or initials would be a constant reminder of that. Yet, if that person once helped you, once made you laugh and once made you the happiest person you thought you could ever be, why regret it? So, it's easy to see I am completely torn about the idea. I, myself would never do it but do I think it's stupid for others to do it? I don't have a single clue.