Tuesday 12 June 2012

Psychics, Numerologists and Mind Readers

I'm not quite sure what to believe. I can't seem to find how one person can tell what another person is thinking or what they will overcome in the future or even how people can talk to the dead. I've seen  it all second hand for example my mother always goes to psychic fairs and records all the sessions. She tells me things about myself that the psychic mentioned and it's strange how similar some of the things are. My mothers friend (who was white skinned) was married to a black man with a black daughter and when she went to the fair with my mother she sat down at one of the booths and said nothing about herself to the man sitting in front of her. He started talking about past lives and past lives of the people in her family and when he spoke about her daughter,  he said she was a white woman in her passed life who owned slaves and was very racist. Now, she has grown up black. This was supposedly teaching her soul a message. This freaked my mothers friend out and it also freaked me out because he had no information whatsoever to understand that this lady had a black daughter... so what can I say, how else would he know other than speaking the truth by saying he was truly a psychic? I guess we will never know.

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