Tuesday 12 June 2012

Texting while Hanging out

The other day I was at lunch with an old friend I hadn't seen in a while and while I attempted to enage in conversation I noticed the entire time she was on her phone. This bothered me a little bit since I was trying so hard to talk with her. I think this is the case with a lot of teenagers and in my opinion when you are spending time with friends, text the person on the other end of your phone and tell them you will reply in a few hours, you are with friends. A good, understanding person would accept that and give you that time. It hurt me a lot that whenever I told a story the only response was "what?"

Psychics, Numerologists and Mind Readers

I'm not quite sure what to believe. I can't seem to find how one person can tell what another person is thinking or what they will overcome in the future or even how people can talk to the dead. I've seen  it all second hand for example my mother always goes to psychic fairs and records all the sessions. She tells me things about myself that the psychic mentioned and it's strange how similar some of the things are. My mothers friend (who was white skinned) was married to a black man with a black daughter and when she went to the fair with my mother she sat down at one of the booths and said nothing about herself to the man sitting in front of her. He started talking about past lives and past lives of the people in her family and when he spoke about her daughter,  he said she was a white woman in her passed life who owned slaves and was very racist. Now, she has grown up black. This was supposedly teaching her soul a message. This freaked my mothers friend out and it also freaked me out because he had no information whatsoever to understand that this lady had a black daughter... so what can I say, how else would he know other than speaking the truth by saying he was truly a psychic? I guess we will never know.

Winter over Summer?

I'm pretty sure I am the only one who gets depressed when we are reaching our warmest season! To be honest I hate summer! When I grow up I'm moving to a place where the air is dry, not humid and the weather is mostly cold and snowy! There are so many reasons why I hate summer, for starters, the clothing is great on some people but summer clothes just does not work for me. Secondly, I hate being hot and having to go to sleep sweaty and gross. Its very hard to fall asleep sweaty and gross as we all know! My school doesn't have air conditioning either and I cannot concentrate in heat, my legs always stick to the chairs and it's awful! I get a lot of pimples in the summer time yet in the winter my face stays completely clear, also my hair never works in the summer because of the humidity and always curls back up! I don't like the look of summer, and I know this is opposite from other people but I hate being out of school that long, I feel like it throws me off schedule from a healthy lifestyle and lastly, though I love going to camp sometimes I hate having one month of my summer taken up by working without coming back home once for the last half of my summer. Winter is great for its coziness, christmas obviously, and the beautiful white landscape. I love the fashion, the holidays and the cheer the season brings! Sadly, most people think exactly opposite from me!


It's strange how quickly time goes by and I feel like it keeps on gradually moving quicker and quicker. I remember as a kid summer used to feel like a year, it was ever lasting and now it goes by in an instant. A year feels like three months and its getting to the point where it's scaring me. we only have 80-100 years to live or even less and I've already used up 16 of those years, if one year goes by this quickly how fast will life go by? I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I hope and pray that in my lifetime some genius will find a way to keep us alive longer or forever! These chances are slim but not knowing what happens after death I am keeping my fingers crossed that some brain will figure this out!

Bath Salts

recently all this news has been going around about this new drug and I'm not sure what to believe anymore, I find these articles completely outrageous! It's strange to find that all of these stories about people eating other people, being practically invincible, cutting themselves open and acting like zombies are all true! I'm not sure if people aren't making a big deal about the bath salts issue anymore or if they are just not talking about it anymore because it's an old issue. I am hoping the number of people trying it out has calmed down a bit from two weeks ago and less people keep on trying this stuff out! The last thing anyone wants is it to start happening in our city. I think that this is a very serious drug that not only puts the person taking it in risk but it is very dangerous for all the people around this person. I think that we need to find a way to put a stop to this awful drug.

Toddlers and Tiaras

God... could I go on for days ranting about pageants for little girls! First of all the idea of dressing up a little girl as young as 9 months old into what looks like a twenty year old is ridiculous! They end up looking like prostitutes and the pressure that the mothers put on their girls to achieve the mother's dreams is also ridiculous. Yes, little girls always dream of looking like Barbie princesses but I am sure pageants are not what they're thinking of. Kids of that age are far to young to be asked this kind of thing and to be put into this type of act. I linked a video below and as you can see pageants are a complete waist of money and make the kids spoiled and rude. I think the things that these mothers are teaching their children are awful.
