Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Crown Attorney

Okay, so maybe this isn't the job for me. Seeing Sydney get all choked up while describing her job really put me off. It seemed like she was scarred for life with so many of these stories! If I was a lawyer I'd want to work with someone other than the criminally insane. Yes, it's interesting and cool but no, I don't want to have to carry that pain and disturbance around with me for the rest of my life.

Being a Therapist

I have always been really interested in social work and therapy yet I know it's very hard to get into and the pay is low. I think it is a great was to help people and I've always loved helping friends out by listening to problems that they have. When it was mentioned that after hearing stories about abuse and severe problems in the lives of others that you start to get very paranoid and it does in fact conflict with your life outside of work. So honestly I think after hearing a bit more about the job actually made me less into the idea of being a therapy. But there are many similar things like therapy involving social work that I could do. That option is still open for me though:)

The Midwives

Oh my god! Who would have ever thought I'd be interested as much as I was when these two woman came in? I was completely intrigued. Before they came in I didn't even have the slightest clue about what a midwife actually was! After hearing from them I was convinced that this would be an amazing job to pursue! I mean, yes the hours are one downside to the whole thing but aside from that, being able to watch the whole experience of starting a family from beginning to six weeks after the birth just amazes me! good pay to! I just feel like it would be a really good thing to contribute to, these girls both seemed like they loved their jobs and they'd said some very good things about it!

Amy Beamer- Human Resources

I've actually never given any thought to this job but I have to say once Amy came in my interest in pursuing this career went up in seconds. I know I've been saying that about all the jobs that have been discussed in class but after hearing these people talk about their proffessions I become very fascinated with all of them. It was nice being able to listen to what she said about interviewing people and what to do while you are getting interviewed because it made me a lot let nervous knowing the people understand where you are coming from and knowing that they also have a very open mind. I was worried it would be hard getting a first job without any first hand experience but she taught me that there is a lot more to an interview than just your work experience. It seems like her job is a lot of work but A LOT of fun! I can imagine I'd enjoy a career like hers.

Wednesday 9 May 2012


I have to be honest I've never ever in my whole life even considered working at RIM but after our guest speaker came in the other day I realized I could definitely take that job into consideration plus, I'm quite fond of the idea that we get to test out all the latest gadgets (even the ones that haven't been released yet!) having Scott Wahl come in to the class proved that working at RIM isn't so boring after all! It actually seems like it'd be pretty neat! It also made me even more desperate to buy a blackberry! I think creating new technology, phones and features for all of these things would be really interesting, I'm glad our city takes ownership for this fantastic company!

The Mathematic Lecturer

Math has never been a strong point for me so when I asked myself if I'd consider this as a future career my honest answer was no. For a person that is interested in the math and science world, I think this job would be of great interest! For people like me on the other hand, the more arts and literary types... I'd say this isn't the job for us! The speaker seemed like she loved her job and when she spoke about it, it truly showed. I think teaching would be neat or 'lecturing' at a university but perhaps an english coarse or anything other than mathematics or sciences! (unless it was marine biology of coarse).

The Firefighter

Several weeks ago when Garrett's dad came in I wasn't sure what to expect before he began talking about his profession. Obviously I knew it was there job to hose down fires but as he began telling stories of his past I realized how much of a sacrifice you'd have to make in order to be a fireman. They truly are heros. I, myself could never risk my life on a daily basis like he does. It's too much, but for the people who can truly dedicate themselves to something like that, I truly thank you guys. So, this job isn't for me and probably will never be, but it does sound very interesting and fun at some parts. I understand why people would like this job.

Friday 4 May 2012

Melissa Durrell

I've always been very uninterested in politics and any job relating to it. When Melissa Durrell came in was the very first time I had actually spoken to someone with that profession and to my surprise i found it really interesting, she had a lot to say and her life seemed like it was a constant adventure! listening to her speak actually made me consider if I'd like a profession in politics!